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      The SBZ630H production line has been commissioned in South American customer


      The SBZ630H double-wall corrugated pipe production line by Dalian Sunlight has been commissioned in South American customer recently, which obtained favorable comment from customer. Customer appreciates that Dalian Sunlight have technicians worked there in Chinese New Year season. Dalian Sunlight will always focus on customer and take the after-sales service as the company primary task.


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      Address: No. 39 Torch Road, Qixianling, Dalian Hi-tech Zone, Liaoning Province Zip Code:116024 Tel (Operator): +86-411-84793300 Fax: +86-411-84799393 E-mail: sales@slsj.com.cn Domestic sales department: +86-411-84792010/7333 International sales department: +86-411-84793569/8808 After-sales department: +86-411-84790222

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